Sunday, August 8, 2010

Head Melt

My head just melted.

I just finished reading two hundred pages of a three hundred page coverage of a book for one subject. I still have to continue later when I wake up for the rest, then read a reviewer then memorize the section on exemptions for VAT.

What is it? Taxation 2. The coverage for midterms includes Donor's Tax, Estate Tax, VAT and other percentage taxes. Basically everything after Tax 1 till somewhere around section 130 of the National Internal Revenue Code.

I should have been able to finish earlier, but I accompanied my mom to S&R for some grocery shopping.

I saw the chair Mrs. Van Straten referred to in her blog about my chair. I still feel my chair was a steal based on its design and price compared to the S&R equivalent. At about nine thousand plus or minus (don't really remember that clearly), minus the reward it got from the contest, I feel it was just one of those great purchases.

After sitting on it for about eight hours today, I did get the most of it.

Oh, and Miggie passed by to sit on the winning chair. I must give her props because she did choose it for me.

On a totally unrelated note, I'd like to give my new readers a heads up on the motive for starting this blog. It was for my Dad. I owe it to him as his son, to maintain the legacy he left me. At the very least, this is one of my tributes to his sacrifice. If you check the sidebar, there will be a box about my Dad. Feel free to read about him starting from the bottom most link.

Haay. Time to relax before sleep with some TV Poker and Starcraft 2.

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