Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Out for the Underdog

My Dad did not like it when poor people were treated badly simply for being poor or helpless. My dad was out for the pobres (poor folk). He believed that someone had to fight for the underdog simply because they obviously could not fight for themselves.

Very anti-darwinian, but very christian nonetheless.

This reminds me of a time when one of the people that used to work for him in court started treating some pobre outside his court like a rag doll.

Sometimes, people act over zealous when trying to be cordon-sanitaires (security lines), and that one time a court employee started pushing around a pauper trying to get to court.

My Dad walked out screaming at the court employee "wag kang ganun sa pobre!" (don't treat poor people like that!).

Dad was never the type to be passive and let abuses go on. I have so many memories of my father standing up for what he believed in. So many memories, yet, only some are in words.

The picture below is the award the De La Salle University gave my Dad (before Ateneo gave him the Lux-in-domino award). It was the first ever Ka Pepe Diokno Award for being a Champion of Human Rights.

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