Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Is Law School for You?

Law school is not impossible, but the sheer amount of things you have to read can be daunting, especially for those who don't read in their personal time.

Not all the readings are necessarily difficult, but they get you in volume if they can't get you with difficulty of topic.

You read for at least 5 hours everyday, sleep very late (studying not playing).

One myth I'd have to break is the zero sleep. I need my 8 hours of sleep so I make it a point to get at least 7-8 hours. It's pointless to study hard and not be able to remember during class cause you're so tired.

Its a lot of dedication. You lose time.

Time you could be using earning money or going up the corporate ladder. You lose money from the tuition and you lose time being with your friends (they will also have to understand how little time you have for school as well).

These are sacrifices one must make. Hence it is very important to ask yourself, DO I REALLY WANT TO BE A LAWYER?

For those who just want both sides of the story, I know of many students who did very well in law school, but somewhere between second year and third year they decided that their time was better suited working. Time was of the essence. Considering some of the students are older than others, we can understand their predicaments.

Some already have children, and some are being recruited by the family to work for the business. Some are getting offers of money much higher than they could ever get being a lawyer immediately.

Remember, it will take you about 5 years at the minimum to become a lawyer. 6 years if you really take your time. Ask yourself if its worth your time to go through another decade. Then once you're a lawyer, it takes on average another 10 years to become well footed in the legal profession.

Now, Do you want to practice law?

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