Saturday, August 15, 2009

Is it better to be self righteous or peaceful and apathetic?

I used to really hate self righteous people. They talk as if they were the only ones with the answer. They rise above everyone else and hold themselves holier than thou.

I used to think being the peaceful apathetic was the best way to go. Just relax and go with the flow. Let things move as they will and things will work out on their own.

Life doesn't just fix itself that easily. It may work out, but its because of a confluence of actions that may incidentally work in your favour, but still, there are actors and catalysts moving to make such things happen.

Now, the real issue would be, would you rather be in the sidelines waiting for that time others will work things for you, or would you rather be the catalyst that makes the difference for others?

Maybe the example I gave was too extreme, humans are not absolute and they have a propensity to change, but it only highlights the importance of choice, of positive action that every citizen must make in order to fulfill their idea of an ideal society.

It may be something as simple as voting in a democracy, and in a perfect socialized system with welfare and medical benefits, paying your taxes.

When you follow traffic lights at 3am, despite there being no cars on the road, it shows discipline. Its funny how in the Philippines, people look down at the importance of road safety, it may be the machismo factor of the regular filipino male, but this attitude nonetheless, strongly reflects our feelings of indifference. The stark contrast in traffic discipline when you enter a first world can reinforce a feeling that there is something missing in our home.

Just look at the pride the officers of Subic used to have when they could catch any erring driver when they did not follow their traffic rules. Road goers in Subic Naval Base had an air of self righteous "we are more disciplined and organized than you", and that is what made it great.

I guess what I'm driving at is that if you see this world as nothing but chaos and negativity, then the more you should take an active part in fixing society, because you may be the only hope there is left. If you see the world as good, then you should have no fear in helping as well, because this world will stand to gain either way.

Its just a question of character.

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