The newest version of the xbox 360, the Xbox Slim, was recently released. This made the Xbox 360 Arcade cheaper by 50 US dollars, making it a steal at $149.99 at Best Buy (more or less 7,300 Philippine Pesos).
My current Xbox is under repair for the third time. Being a first release, it has 3rl'd at least 3 times already and I believe this is the perfect time to buy a jasper unit.
I got my original for more or less $450 dollars with my first game being Oblivion Collectors edition. I am in the middle of playing Dragon Age: Origins. With tomorrow being a holiday because of the inauguration of our new President, I was hoping to play some tonight, but sadly, my 360 is still with the repair man (who is repairing it for free with delivery).
Hopefully I can just save myself some cash and buy a new unit. I have a spare hard drive anyway.