Thursday, August 12, 2010

Checkmate Mr. Perez


So the last exam was about to start. Insurance Code, wow, how fun. Mr. Alex Perez tells me he's gonna finish his test early so I better watch out because we have to put all our stuff at the front and he'll probably do something to my bag.

I end up finishing before him. I look back, he's not yet done. His teacher must have made his test longer, or maybe he's just constipated. I review a bit, then look back. Boy, he's taking forever.

I stand up, submit my blue book thinking I can't wait to get home and have my massage. Uh-oh! Someone left their bag right next to mine.

Before I pick up my bag, I pick up his. He notices and can't say anything cause its a test room. I pick up my bag, look at him, and he has a face of resignation. He knows he lost this battle and raises his hand in the air.

The picture shows where his bag was left. Checkmate Mr. Perez.

